b. 1989
2021 - 2023 -Rijksakademie - Amsterdam. NL
2017 - Women in Construction, City of Glasgow College
2016 - Present - Slaghammers (welding collective)
2015 - 2017 - Transmission Committee
2012 - California Institute of the Arts
2010 - 2014 - Glasgow School of Art, BA(Hons) Environmental Art
Upcoming & Ongoing
grevious ghosts - Arcadia Missa, London. UK (duo show w/ Anh Trần)
contemporary conflict fellowship - Framer Framed & University of Amsterdam w/ René Boer (extended to Summer 2025)
Sliding Doors - Publication w/ Framer Framed and University of Edinburgh Contemporary Art Collection (ed. Mason Leaver-Yap)
We need to talk about Living Room - Casco. NL (solo show)
Fills the room like a sea slid back - Kunsthuis SYB. NL (solo show)
Housing Problems - ICA, London Short Film Festival. (screening)
Bricks and Mortar - Framer Framed (event series w/ René Boer)
contemporary conflict fellowship - Framer Framed & University of Amsterdam w/ René Boer
The House that is Falling apart - Museum of Macedonia, Skopje (group show)
Recipient of Mondriaan fond Artist Basic (2024-2028)
Promissary Notes (Circle 3) - Oudekerk, Amsterdam. (performance)
To look at soil and see more than dirt - Amsterdam. NL (solo show)
Invisible Until it’s Broken - Künstlerhaus Dortmund. DEU (group show)
Resistance in Residence - Travelling Gallery. SCT (group show)
Living Rent Fundraiser - CCA, Glasgow. SCT (screening)
Sweat Equity - (ongoing workshop) run with Building Beyond - Prince Claus Fond; Blacker Blackness - Sandberg; Framer Framed, Amsterdam. NL
Damp Screenings - TACO, London. ENG (screening)
Emancipatory Practices - Spatial Practices Dep. Central Saint Martens, London. ENG (panel discussion)
Can the built environment provide better futures? - Rijksakademie. NL (panel discussion w/ Ola Hassanain & René Boer)
Rijksakademie Open Studios - Amsterdam. NL
Cathy McCormack - CCA, Glasgow. SCT (roundtable w/ Cathy McCormack and Joey Simons)
Roundtable Discussion - 28th October 2021 - Common Guild, Glasgow. SCT
Dampbusters -6th August ~ 4th September 2021 - CCA, Glasgow. SCT (solo show)
How We Live Now - 17 May 2021 ~ 30 Jan 2022, Barbican, London. ENG (group show)
Life Support - Glasgow Women’s Library. SCT (group show)
Summer Screening - South Kiosk, London. ENG (screening)
You’ve been talking about access today - w/ Animating Archives.
(online workshop)
Recipient of Creative Scotland Research & Development Fund - Ongoing
Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop - Production residency w/ Katie Shannon
Creative Lab Residency - CCA, Glasgow. SCT
Brace- Jupiter Woods, London. ENG (solo show)
each person houses parts of others - Eden Court, Inverness + GFT, Glasgow. SCT
Study day: Forming a Residents’ Association - LUX. London, ENG (talk and screening)
Land Grab - Supernormal, Braziers Park. ENG
Building Space - South London Gallery, London. ENG (2x talks & screenings)
V-Chanel No.2 - Very Project Space, Berlin. DEU (screening)
Film Screening at David Dale - David Dale, Glasgow. SCT (screening)
Studwork - Glasgow International (solo show)
Venice Architecture Biennale - Guidecca Women’s Prison, Venice. ITA (screening)
Gripping Wrists - Tendency Towards, Aberdeen. SCT (screening)
Never (off) Work! - PARSE, University of Gothenburg. SVE (screening & panel)
Riprap - Atelier am Eck, Düsseldorf. DEU (solo show)
Social Event (curated by Love Unlimited) - Glasgow International (group show)
Group exhibition - Queens Park Railway Club
Before I could speak, X spoke - Outpost Gallery, Norwich, ENG (solo show)
Citizen w/ Runa Islam, Seamus Harahan and CAMP - Hospitalfield, Arbroath, SCT
NSK State Pavilion - 57th Venice Biennale, ITA
Love Unlimited showcase - Manchester Contemporary, ENG
At Home with Very Friendly - Open House, Glasgow, SCT
Soft Shoulder - SWG3 Gallery, Glasgow, SCT (solo show)
Bit between teeth w/ Sofia Duchovny - Sattler & Potzsch, Leipzig, DEU
Domestic Observations - Jace Space, Los Angeles, USA (group show)
Outpost Open Film selected by Ed Atkins, Norwich, ENG (screening)
Of Hearts and Minds w/ Scott Caruth - Glue Factory, Glasgow, SCT
Westin Bonaventure - Edinburgh Artist Moving Image Festival (screening)
Beach Party - TIPI, Brennero, ITA
Phoenix Bursary Exhibition - Reid Gallery, Glasgow, SCT (group show)
RSA: New Contemporaries - National Gallery, Edinburgh, SCT
Generation - New Glasgow Society, Glasgow, SCT
Legacy w/ Amy Dawn Thornton - Platform, Easterhouse, SCT
Oú Sommes Nous Maintenant - Marrakech Biennale 5, L’Blassa, Marrakech, MAR (group show)
Pebbledash Painting Workshop - Queen’s Cross Housing Association, Maryhill, SCT
LAW w/ Leander Schwazer - California Institute of the Arts, Los Angeles, USA
Awards & Funding
Mondriaan Artist Basic (2024 - 2028)
Stichting Stokroos Fond
Shortlisted for the Margaret Tait Award
Glasgow Museums Collecting Award
Axisweb Artist Award
Proposed for the LUX Scotland Archive
Glasgow International Funded Programme
The David Harding Award
Royal Scottish Academy: New Contemporaries
Akto-Fru Residency. Skopje, MAC
Rijksakademie. Amsterdam, NL
Cove Park Residency. Cove, SCT
Anna Löbner Residency. Düsseldorf, DEU
HAL Studio Residency. Glasgow, SCT
Kommun Residency. Liebenwalde, DEU
Hospitalfield Arts. Arbroath, SCT
SOMA. Mexico City, MEX
Mint Collective. Marrakech, MAR
Work & Workshops
Visting Lecturer (Sculpture & Environmental Art) - Glasgow School of Art, SCT
Mentor for ‘Creative Youth Programme’ - House of Europe x Ksi Prostir, Dnipro. UKR
Mentor for ‘Creative Youth Programme’ - House of Europe x Garazh127, Kharkiv. UKR
DIY Classes for Women and non-binary folk. North Glasgow, SCT
Visiting Artist - Open School East, ENG
Workshop Facilitator - Glasgow Tool Library, SCT
Selection Panel and Workshop - Hospitalfield Arts, SCT
Edinburgh University, Contemporary Art Collection. SCT
Glasgow Museums Collection. SCT
Glasgow Women’s Library. SCT
2021 - 2023 -Rijksakademie - Amsterdam. NL
2017 - Women in Construction, City of Glasgow College
2016 - Present - Slaghammers (welding collective)
2015 - 2017 - Transmission Committee
2012 - California Institute of the Arts
2010 - 2014 - Glasgow School of Art, BA(Hons) Environmental Art
Upcoming & Ongoing
grevious ghosts - Arcadia Missa, London. UK (duo show w/ Anh Trần)
contemporary conflict fellowship - Framer Framed & University of Amsterdam w/ René Boer (extended to Summer 2025)
Sliding Doors - Publication w/ Framer Framed and University of Edinburgh Contemporary Art Collection (ed. Mason Leaver-Yap)
We need to talk about Living Room - Casco. NL (solo show)
Fills the room like a sea slid back - Kunsthuis SYB. NL (solo show)
Housing Problems - ICA, London Short Film Festival. (screening)
Bricks and Mortar - Framer Framed (event series w/ René Boer)
contemporary conflict fellowship - Framer Framed & University of Amsterdam w/ René Boer
The House that is Falling apart - Museum of Macedonia, Skopje (group show)
Recipient of Mondriaan fond Artist Basic (2024-2028)
Promissary Notes (Circle 3) - Oudekerk, Amsterdam. (performance)
To look at soil and see more than dirt - Amsterdam. NL (solo show)
Invisible Until it’s Broken - Künstlerhaus Dortmund. DEU (group show)
Resistance in Residence - Travelling Gallery. SCT (group show)
Living Rent Fundraiser - CCA, Glasgow. SCT (screening)
Sweat Equity - (ongoing workshop) run with Building Beyond - Prince Claus Fond; Blacker Blackness - Sandberg; Framer Framed, Amsterdam. NL
Damp Screenings - TACO, London. ENG (screening)
Emancipatory Practices - Spatial Practices Dep. Central Saint Martens, London. ENG (panel discussion)
Can the built environment provide better futures? - Rijksakademie. NL (panel discussion w/ Ola Hassanain & René Boer)
Rijksakademie Open Studios - Amsterdam. NL
Cathy McCormack - CCA, Glasgow. SCT (roundtable w/ Cathy McCormack and Joey Simons)
Roundtable Discussion - 28th October 2021 - Common Guild, Glasgow. SCT
Dampbusters -6th August ~ 4th September 2021 - CCA, Glasgow. SCT (solo show)
How We Live Now - 17 May 2021 ~ 30 Jan 2022, Barbican, London. ENG (group show)
Life Support - Glasgow Women’s Library. SCT (group show)
Summer Screening - South Kiosk, London. ENG (screening)
You’ve been talking about access today - w/ Animating Archives.
(online workshop)
Recipient of Creative Scotland Research & Development Fund - Ongoing
Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop - Production residency w/ Katie Shannon
Creative Lab Residency - CCA, Glasgow. SCT
Brace- Jupiter Woods, London. ENG (solo show)
each person houses parts of others - Eden Court, Inverness + GFT, Glasgow. SCT
Study day: Forming a Residents’ Association - LUX. London, ENG (talk and screening)
Land Grab - Supernormal, Braziers Park. ENG
Building Space - South London Gallery, London. ENG (2x talks & screenings)
V-Chanel No.2 - Very Project Space, Berlin. DEU (screening)
Film Screening at David Dale - David Dale, Glasgow. SCT (screening)
Studwork - Glasgow International (solo show)
Venice Architecture Biennale - Guidecca Women’s Prison, Venice. ITA (screening)
Gripping Wrists - Tendency Towards, Aberdeen. SCT (screening)
Never (off) Work! - PARSE, University of Gothenburg. SVE (screening & panel)
Riprap - Atelier am Eck, Düsseldorf. DEU (solo show)
Social Event (curated by Love Unlimited) - Glasgow International (group show)
Group exhibition - Queens Park Railway Club
Before I could speak, X spoke - Outpost Gallery, Norwich, ENG (solo show)
Citizen w/ Runa Islam, Seamus Harahan and CAMP - Hospitalfield, Arbroath, SCT
NSK State Pavilion - 57th Venice Biennale, ITA
Love Unlimited showcase - Manchester Contemporary, ENG
At Home with Very Friendly - Open House, Glasgow, SCT
Soft Shoulder - SWG3 Gallery, Glasgow, SCT (solo show)
Bit between teeth w/ Sofia Duchovny - Sattler & Potzsch, Leipzig, DEU
Domestic Observations - Jace Space, Los Angeles, USA (group show)
Outpost Open Film selected by Ed Atkins, Norwich, ENG (screening)
Of Hearts and Minds w/ Scott Caruth - Glue Factory, Glasgow, SCT
Westin Bonaventure - Edinburgh Artist Moving Image Festival (screening)
Beach Party - TIPI, Brennero, ITA
Phoenix Bursary Exhibition - Reid Gallery, Glasgow, SCT (group show)
RSA: New Contemporaries - National Gallery, Edinburgh, SCT
Generation - New Glasgow Society, Glasgow, SCT
Legacy w/ Amy Dawn Thornton - Platform, Easterhouse, SCT
Oú Sommes Nous Maintenant - Marrakech Biennale 5, L’Blassa, Marrakech, MAR (group show)
Pebbledash Painting Workshop - Queen’s Cross Housing Association, Maryhill, SCT
LAW w/ Leander Schwazer - California Institute of the Arts, Los Angeles, USA
Awards & Funding
Mondriaan Artist Basic (2024 - 2028)
Stichting Stokroos Fond
Shortlisted for the Margaret Tait Award
Glasgow Museums Collecting Award
Axisweb Artist Award
Proposed for the LUX Scotland Archive
Glasgow International Funded Programme
The David Harding Award
Royal Scottish Academy: New Contemporaries
Akto-Fru Residency. Skopje, MAC
Rijksakademie. Amsterdam, NL
Cove Park Residency. Cove, SCT
Anna Löbner Residency. Düsseldorf, DEU
HAL Studio Residency. Glasgow, SCT
Kommun Residency. Liebenwalde, DEU
Hospitalfield Arts. Arbroath, SCT
SOMA. Mexico City, MEX
Mint Collective. Marrakech, MAR
Work & Workshops
Visting Lecturer (Sculpture & Environmental Art) - Glasgow School of Art, SCT
Mentor for ‘Creative Youth Programme’ - House of Europe x Ksi Prostir, Dnipro. UKR
Mentor for ‘Creative Youth Programme’ - House of Europe x Garazh127, Kharkiv. UKR
DIY Classes for Women and non-binary folk. North Glasgow, SCT
Visiting Artist - Open School East, ENG
Workshop Facilitator - Glasgow Tool Library, SCT
Selection Panel and Workshop - Hospitalfield Arts, SCT
Edinburgh University, Contemporary Art Collection. SCT
Glasgow Museums Collection. SCT
Glasgow Women’s Library. SCT